Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FR 04/24/09 - Martyr visits LA and makes out with a Stripper

California is beautiful. You guys out there really made me work. I touched down around 1:20, got picked up and the schedule went like this:

2:00PM - Daygame at UCLA
3:30PM - Daygame at 3rd St Promenade
8:30PM - Dinner at UCLA Dining hall
10:00PM - Saddle Ranch, The Standard, some other bars on Sunset Blvd.
2:15PM - Mel's Diner

(Yes, I had my luggage in someone's car the entire time)

I felt like I was living the life of Neil Strauss.

Most of my sets were pretty good. Flirty, good energy, good vibes. Ray and Tank showed me some cool spots. I'm going to write about 2 of the sets I had.


1) The set I bitch out:

I was at this divey bar and spotted this blond in red. Frickin hot. I walk over to her and run my mouth.

Not going to lie, beer helped me get into state. But whatever, first time in California

Martyr - You are fuckin adorable, who are you?
BlondinRed - Thank you! (I think she returned the compliment)
Martyr - I just got to LA, trying to enjoy myself, and here you are all adorable, making me come over to say hi, what are you doing to me? I'm only a man here!

She giggles, I'm in.

Just chilled out with her at the bar and told her what I was doing in LA, what I liked about the area.

She has this orbiting friend that was sitting on the other side of her, and because i had my back to the bar, he had to talk over her shoulder if he wanted to get into the conversation. Awesome.

We had already talked a little about what I was doing, so I asked her what she was up to. Before she could answer, I dropped in a quick cold read

Martyr - You are a creative type (credit Straycat)
BlondinRed - Yea I am! I'm a writer!

So at this point, I've already surveyed the area. There is a makeout area right around the corner, I just need to stop being a little pussy bitch, and I got this.

We vibe some more, and we're standing closer and closer. I tell her I have a tattoo on my back, which she demands to see and grabs at one of the buttons. I stop her telling her to chill out, I can undress myself. Show her the tattoo. We vibe some more, and now her lips are 3 inches from my face. I knew, I KNEW all I had to do was say, I have something else to show you, and take her around the corner and the makeout would be there. I completely bitched out. She even throws compliments at me here and there, however, I was still a little bitch

She says she needs to go to the bathroom, and walks. The orbiting friend says to me "did you creep her out already?". I sarcastically say "yea, absolutely". He ends up walking after her, I was too dumb (drunk?) at the time, but I realized later, he went to get her away from me because he was in danger of losing her to me.

I look around for her but it was too late, they had already left.

I meet up with Tank, and he saw the interaction occur, he gave me shit about not kissing her when she was 3 inches away, he told me about the extraction spot around the corner (which I already knew about). Yea, I was a little bitch....


2) Gaming a stripper:

We go walking down Sunset Blvd, past this strip club named "Body Shop" and joked about going there after the sargathon is over. At the very next bar, I see this hot blond chick with fishnet gloves/sleeves and a bangin' body. Yea... this is mine, I want this.

Martyr - You are fuckin adorable. Who are you?
BanginBodyBlond - Who am I? Who are you!?
Martyr - You can't stand around looking like that, this is what is going to happen, I can't help but to come hit on you, I'm only a man here!
BanginBodyBlond - (laughing) My name is BanginBodyBlond. Did you follow me from that club?
Martyr - (Confused) No. What's up there? (I really forgot what I had walked past)
BanginBodyBlond - It's a club, I'm a dancer there, sometimes guys follow us down to here

Holy Shit! I am talking to a stripper, niiiiiiice!

She finishes her cigarette and we go inside for a drink. Immediately, I locate a good place to sit.

We grab our drinks and I lead her to a good spot to sit at. I tell her about why I am in LA, tell her I am visiting from NYC. She talks about how she wants to move there. Share some stories. She does the same. I do a cold read about her being someone creative. She tells me she aspires to be a stage actress. I talk about basketball and traveling.

Overall, we had a pretty flirty vibe. Flirty banter combined with a direct opener allowed her to know I was there with intent. She's in between shifts, so I'm kind of in a slight time crunch. Grab her number, and chat more.

BanginBodyBlond - What time is it? I think I have to get back to work
Martyr - It's [read my watch].
(she gets up)
BanginBodyBlond - You have my number, if you really are going to call me. (Weird, she doubts I want to call her, no idea why that's the case. If anyone has insight, please let me know.)
Martyr - I'll walk you out.

As we are walking, I grab her hand, and I ask her

Martyr - On a scale from one to ten, how good of a kisser are you?
BanginBodyBlond - That is something I am definitely very good at. Some other fluff. I would have to say I'm a 10.
Martyr - Excellent, come here. (As I say this, I am pulling her in with my arms and moving forward with my lips.)

Full blown makeout right outside the bar with a stripper. Niiiiice

Martyr - Pretty good, 9.5 :)
BanginBodyBlond - Haha! (as she waves and goes back to work)

I have to be honest, I was surprised at how little I had to deviate from the game plan to for this interaction.


Anonymous said...

Good shit dude. You must of skipped a lot of parts in between the small talk to ending up getting her number. How did the small chit chat not end up being boring...and bland? But nice for having the balls to grab her hand and going straight for it. No hesitation no problem.

Ray said...

Also alcohol helps =)

3DSumoWrestler said...

RE: BanginBodyBlond - You have my number, if you really are going to call me. (Weird, she doubts I want to call her, no idea why that's the case. If anyone has insight, please let me know.)

All girls think this. Strippers just have the balls to ask.