Friday, January 2, 2009

Why Attraction Switch Stories Work

Hey everyone,

Why do attraction switch stories work? Personally, I don't truly believe that it's triggering the switches that gets the girl to be attracted to you. In fact, I believe that what gets you the girl is successfully LEADING an interaction, from approach to bantering to comfort to direct interest to escalation, and only that. However, I do believe that story telling is important in filling that time. It's important for the girl to know who you are, at some level. She may not need your life story, or even the story of your week, but she needs something to know that the guy she wants to sleep with is not a loser.

Noticed how I said she wants him to not be a loser, as opposed to the most attractive person she's met in a while. This is why I believe the demonstration of higher value stories work. As long as you follow the switches, you avoid being painted as a loser while letting her know you better. The following is a list of some attraction switches I try to hit when I tell my stories and the antithesis of those attraction switches.

1 - Passionate Man - Disinterested Man
2 - Pre-selected by Women - Deselected by Women
3 - Man with Future Ambitions - Man of No Desires
4 - Protector of Loved Ones - Destroyer of Loves Ones
5 - Man of Action - Man of Inaction
6 - Sense of Humor - Lack of Humor
7 - Energetic / Playful - Lethargic / Dull
8 - Financial Status - Financial Instability
9 - Experienced Man - Inexperienced Man
10 - Sexual Safety - Sexual Risk

Again, I don't think it's exactly the attraction switches that gets you the girl. I think it's letting her know who you are, while avoiding the antithesis of the attraction switches, while you lead an interaction, that gets you the girl. Guys who are naturally good with women naturally share who they are without having to keep the attraction switches in mind because they naturally avoid the antithesis of the attraction switches.

So for guys who are not naturally good in relating to women, try to alter stories that paint you as a loser (i.e. not following the attraction switches), and try to relate your experiences to others following the attraction switches. If you are not naturally good at improvising stories, then you need to sit down and figure out what you want the world (female world) to know about you, and then write down a couple of stories to tell to convey that. Use the attraction switches as a guideline to make sure you are not painting yourself in an unattractive way. You'll be amazed how much more people will respect you and be attracted to who you already are.

If you truly do not have stories about yourself that fall into attraction switch categories, you need to take a good hard look at who you are and consider working on that.

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