Monday, December 29, 2008

Not Giving a Shit

Back before all of this, when I would get slighted by friends, I would go into my head and ask why they would do something like that. I would question why I was overlooked, and perhaps not liked. It was really shitty, to want to be included, not get included, and then question why. I never called people out and I continued to keep them around, hoping that it would turn around.

Today, I am a different man. Honestly, in the end, it doesn't really matter. If they choose not to include me in something, it really doesn't matter the reasons why. And even if they verbalized it to me, actions always speak louder than words. Yes, I'll call them out on things if I deemed it to be necessary, but my time is valuable, even if I don't have alternatives to fill it. Part of becoming a better man is having standards for how you are treated. If you are not treated well, begging or pleading for better treatment, using guilt, demanding better treatment are all very low value things to do. Thinking about why they would do that to you is very self-deprecating. Yes, it can be as simple as an oversight, which is fine. Don't lower yourself to be included by others.


Ray said...

Dude, I've been inviting you to come snowboarding with you all this time, YOU are the one who keeps rejecting me!

I don't have to take this! I have standards for how people treat me!

Shiznites said...

Amen to that brother.