Tuesday, September 1, 2009

FR 8/30/09: Hottie at the Mall

Decided to take a stroll down the block and stumbled upon the mall. Walked into one of the stories and this hottie greets me. I didn't notice her as I was walking in so I was a little surprised

HBStore: Hi, welcome to __________.
Martyr: Whoa, I didnt even see you there, Hi.

Her ring catches my eye.

Martyr: What's that? (refering to the ring)
HBStore: Oh, it's a ____.
Martyr: (upon close inspection) Cool
HBStore: Thanks!
Martyr: You're in a pretty good mood
HBStore: Yea, it's the weekend.... well, whatever's left of it, I'm going to enjoy it

*after some browsing and some fluff*

Martyr: I'm really just taking a walk around the neighborhood. In fact, it was probably a bad idea for me to bring my wallet with me
HBStore: haha.... yea, the mall does that to people. A walk?
Martyr: I used to work at a mall too!

I browse some more and get her name.

Before leaving the store, I noticed something about her and I decided to say it.

Martyr: You know, you are very sweet, and friendly, especially for someone who is about done with work for the day.
HBStore: Thank you! You should see me at the start of a week, you may change your mind.

Martyr exits the store. Realizes he's being a little bitch. The girl is a cutie and seems like sweetheart. He should go back in there.

Martyr walks around the mall for another FIFTEEN MINUTES before coming up with this plan.

Martyr is going to count till 5, slowly, and when the count is over, he is going to walk back towards the store and ask the girl to join him for a cup of coffee.

1.... 2..... 3..... 4..... 5.....

Martyr: Hey HBStore.
HBStore: Oh, hi again
Martyr: I made a mistake earlier.
HBStore: okay....
Martyr: I met this beautiful girl earlier. About 5'8, long dark hair, and I completely forgot to ask her to join me for a cup of coffee. Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?
HBStore: I would love to but....

Okay, here comes the boyfriend crap....

HBStore: .....my ride home is coming to pick me up. Do you live in the area?
Martyr: Yea, I live down the block
HBStore: Well, I work all day Thursday, so if you're up for it, we can have coffee at 8ish.


So I approached, bantered with her, and expressed romantic interest in her..... what am I missing? Oh crap! Time for some last minute comfort!

Martyr: Alright cool, I'll see you on Thursday
HBStore: Yea
Martyr: Wait! You don't know anything about me!
HBStore: Haha! you're right!
Martyr: My favorite color is blue, and I recently moved here from New York

We connected a little bit on moving and having lived in different places.

After a brief chat, I exited the store.

On my way home I was thinking, CRAP, REUNION DINNER IS THURSDAY!

Oh well, can't have it all. Can't win them all.


Things I did that I had never done:
1) Asked a sales person to join me for coffee
2) Last minute comfort

Things I did well
1) Remained cool and calm

Things I could have done better
1) Not hesitate and walk around the mall like a loser for 15 minutes
2) A little more physical connection (it was very minimal)
3) Not book the meet at the same time as the reunion dinner! (Hope you understand Johnny)

1 comment:

Eugene Wu said...

she was a hottie man. can i have her when your done. i promise i'll film for your enjoyment